My hope is that this blog will be a conduit for conversation between you and me, between you and others, and most importantly, between you and God. Experience has shown me that my best conversations with the Lord and with others come coupled with the stillness of morning and a cup of coffee. Whatever your experience has been, I hope you will join me as I share what God puts on my heart.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

You are of Christ.

A vision statement is essential to any organization.  It is that vision that provides consistency through challenging events, successful periods, and other life experiences.  That vision provides a structure for where the organization wants to be in the future. 

We have been called to a vision.   

I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness.

And I implore you not to forget the vision to which you have been called.  While we each have varying specific missions to accomplish the vision to which God has called us, I believe we have the same vision.  God inhabits this vision because God is the One who called us to this vision.  And if God called us to this vision, it is God who will accomplish this vision in us.  And if it is God who will accomplish this vision in us, then seeking God realizes this vision.       

I will take hold of your hand.  I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people.

This vision provides consistency through the experiences of life.  This vision reminds us who we are in Christ when we become jaded by failure or enamored with success.  This vision anchors us amidst distracting circumstances.  This vision propels us when we fight apathy.

I will keep you and make you to open eyes that are blind.

This vision is what I return to when I forget who I am in Christ.  This vision is the structure for what God is accomplishing in me.  This vision echoes that my only role in this vision is to incessantly chase after God.  Above all, this vision conveys that it is God who will accomplish this vision within me. 

And within you.

I will keep you and make you to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.

God has called you.  And God places Christ within those who respond to this call.  Christ is within you.  And you are Jesus Christ to the world.  Then, you have the vision of Christ.  It is Christ.  Christ is your vision.  And because Christ is within us and Christ is our vision, it is Christ who is accomplishing this vision.

I pray we do not forget it.  I too easily forget.  And God has graciously reminded me through His Word of the vision He has placed within me.  For me, God has used Isaiah 42.  It makes sense to me that the vision of Christ would be the same vision to which God has called us.  I encourage you to find yours.

Praise God, praise God that God has not solely called us to a vision; God has placed His vision within us. 

“Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him.”  (Isaiah 42:1 NIV).

“This is what God the Lord says—he who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and all that comes out of it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it: I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand.  I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.”  (Isaiah 42:5-7 NIV).

“[Y]ou are of Christ, and Christ is of God.”  (1 Corinthians 3:23 NIV).

If you happen to be one who enjoys coffee that has body, you need to try this.  It is not so much sweet and not so much flavorful, but it is very much bold.  I like this coffee like I like my man: strong.

Much love to you,


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