My hope is that this blog will be a conduit for conversation between you and me, between you and others, and most importantly, between you and God. Experience has shown me that my best conversations with the Lord and with others come coupled with the stillness of morning and a cup of coffee. Whatever your experience has been, I hope you will join me as I share what God puts on my heart.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

In Your light we see light.

I do not want you to feel trapped—trapped between what you are doing now and what you need to do tomorrow.  I do not want you to be trapped in a seemingly purposeless or bad experience.  Because that trap will always exist.  There is always going to be somethingSomething to do.  Something to be down about.

We must learn to live above that something.

We live above the something by asking God to take hold of that something.  We live above that something by acknowledging that God will use that something—even if that something is the most mundane, meaningless, or negative something.  We live above the something by communing with God.  When we commune with God, God is our context.  And that something gains meaning because that something becomes a conduit for God’s glory. 

And suddenly, that something is a vessel for God.  Every event, every duty, every action of ours is a conduit for God.

God gives us meaning.  God gives us purpose.  God cloaks everything we do with meaning.  Even the most meaningless obligations, the most meaningless occurrences in our lives can breathe hallelujahs to our Lord.

And the joyous life Christ calls us to is realized.  Endless worship to God breeds joy.  Even when I am disengaged in the task.  Even when the task will not matter a year from now.  Even when I do not understand why this event has occurred.  Even when I do not see how this insignificant occurrence can be purposeful.  Even when nobody will notice the task.  Even when I could care less about my responsibilities.  

God is our light.  God is light within you.  And God brings light to everything you do.  You are doing what God created you to do.  You are doing life—no matter how insignificant—in the context of pursuing God.  And, God is glorified.

Then, it is not the bad circumstance, it is not the purposeless occurrence, it is not the mundane obligation that glorifies God.  You are what glorifies God.

Even when we are not consciously speaking praise to God, our endless pursuit of God glorifies Him. 

How humbling that our Lord and King uses our useless life motions as His throne.  I have every reason to smile.  I have every reason to be inspired.  And so do you. 

Thank You, God, for giving our lives meaning.  Thank You, God, that every exhalation can bring praise to You. 

“For with You is the fountain of life; In your light we see light.”  (Psalm 36:9 NKJV).

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.”  (Colossians 3:23 NKJV).

“My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long.”  (Psalm 71:8 NIV).

Why, yes, that is a pink lipstick stain on my cuppa coffee.  It's called marking your territory.  

Much love to you,


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