My hope is that this blog will be a conduit for conversation between you and me, between you and others, and most importantly, between you and God. Experience has shown me that my best conversations with the Lord and with others come coupled with the stillness of morning and a cup of coffee. Whatever your experience has been, I hope you will join me as I share what God puts on my heart.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The in-between.

We spend much of our life in the in-between: in between a peak and a valley, in between birth and eternity, in between the start and the finish, in between surrendering to Christ and experiencing complete union with Christ, in between fulfilling God’s purpose for the previous chapter and knowing God’s purpose for the next chapter.  While we tend to define our lives by the highs and the lows because the highs and the lows feel more purposeful, the in-betweens are equally important.  If most of our life is lived in the in-between, then how we live in the in-between becomes all the more significant.

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.

Seeking the Lord is often easier during the peak because it is far easier to believe our Lord is good.  And we are often more compelled to seek the Lord during the valley because of our need we perceive.  But our Lord’s call is no less acute in the normal, every-day in-between. 

Perhaps it is during the in-between that we have the opportunity to maximize our communion with God.  While in the valley, we become fixated on the Lord healing us of the pain.  While on the mountaintop, we rejoice and live in the joy that seems more real because we truly feel it.  These portions of our journey are equally authentic and stretching.  But it is the in-between that teaches us to find our Lord as healer without the valley.  It is the in-between that teaches us to trust God is our joy without the mountaintop.

We must use the in-between to press into God.  If we are to seek God’s face always, we must fervently seek God’s face during the in-between.  When we lean into God during the in-between, we experience God in a new way.  Maybe during this in-between, we are undistracted by whatever pain propels us toward God in the valley.  Maybe during this in-between, we are less inclined to rejoice in God solely because we feel the emotion of happiness.

This in-between may cause you to feel less excited about God, but this in-between is an opportunity to know God in an unfettered fashion. 

Do not miss the opportunity of the in-between.  When you do not feel the emotion of joy that propels you to thank God, thank God nonetheless.  When you do not feel the motivation of sorrow that propels you to seek God for healing, ask God to heal you nonetheless.  When you do not perceive your need that propels you to be fulfilled by God, seek fulfillment in God nonetheless.  The highs and the lows of life are no less essential to our growth in Christ.  But I am convinced that the Lord does a unique work in us when we seek our Lord during the in-between. 

I pray you use your in-between to thank our Lord, to experience the joy in our Lord, to sit quietly before our Lord, to trust our Lord, to seek what you need in our Lord, and to grow in your knowledge of our Lord.  Praise God for the in-between.    

“Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.”  (1 Chronicles 16:11 NIV).

“Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway.”  (Proverbs 8:34 NIV).

“I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips.”  (Psalm 34:1 NIV).

Bottoms up, my fine friends.

Much love to you,


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